Physical Exam:
Every patient at our clinic receives an annual physical exam with a veterinarian to check teeth, eyes, ears, lung sounds, heart sounds, check for any lumps/bumps, etc. This also maintains a current doctor/client/patient relationship and allows our clinic to continue prescribing any necessary medications (such as monthly heartworm prevention) throughout the year.
A new puppy visit is typically scheduled for 40 minutes to allow you plenty of time to meet our staff and doctors and have all questions and concerns you may have.
Once we have an annual physical exam, you can bring your pet in for vaccines and labwork for 365 days without seeing a doctor or paying for another physical exam. We do not have a fee for an "office visit" so if you needed vaccines or labwork drawn, it would just be the cost of that item(s).
The only time you would pay for another physical exam would be if your pet is ill or you want to speak to a doctor and have them assess your pet during the year.
Wellness Services for Dogs:
- Grooming/Bathing
- Dentistry
- Dog and Cat Boarding
- Emergency Care
- Dog Training
- Pharmacy/Lab
- Vaccines
- Microchipping
- Radiology (X-rays)
- Wellness Care
Surgical and Diagnostic Procedures for Dogs:
Our surgeons at Animal Hospital of Rowlett are highly trained and experienced in many advanced veterinary surgery procedures and are on staff and available now to serve the needs of your pets.
With many procedures, we are also much less expensive as those veterinary surgical centers around the Dallas Metroplex. We are available now in the Rowlett/Rockwall/Heath/Forney area.
From cranial cruciate rupture repair, to stenotic nares surgery, lump removal, patellar luxation and more, we routinely perform a wide variety of soft tissue surgical procedures, including:
- Ultrasound/endoscopy
- Laparoscopic Spay & Gastropexy Procedures
- Spay - ovariectomy, ovariohysterectomy and ovary sparing spays
- Neuter
- Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO)
- Lump Removal/Neoplasia
- Femoral Head Ostectomy (FHO)
- Cranial Cruciate Rupture Repair (ACL)
- Stenotic Nares
- Elongated Soft Palate Surgery
- Cystotomy
- Liver Biopsy
- Tooth Extractions
- Exploratory
- Foreign Body Removal
- Cholecystectomy
- Perineal Urethrostomy
- Vulvoplasty
- Total Ear canal ablation and bullae Osteotomy
- Gastropexy
- Gastrotomy
- Enterotomy
- Anal Sacculectomy
- Patellar luxation
- Limb amputation
- Perianal hernia repair
- Mastectomy
- Pyometra